Friday, January 30, 2015

Today is the big day!

So, for months now Mardee has been talking to me about this piece of equipment she has developed called the Nexus Trainer, and how she needs beta testers for it.  But she doesn't just hand it to you and say "ok, get on with it".  This is a long-term commitment between us, to get together to work out three times a week for the next twelve weeks.  After twelve weeks, it goes up to either four or five times a week.  Since I'm severely out of shape she's starting me out slow.

I thought the hardest part was going to be the diet, but it hasn't been.  We met about two weeks ago to fill out paperwork and go over medical information, and she talked a lot about food.  Essentially, the "diet" she wants me to follow is paleo.  My coworker Robin is doing this as well, and while Robin is going gluten-free she can still have grains like quinoa grains for me.  That's okay, really.  If I have grains, I want them baked into bread and soaked with butter.

I wonder how I got so fat!

Anyhow, eating paleo has been surprisingly easy.  I've always loved vegetables.  I considered going vegan as well since I was making such a big change anyway but even Elena said that would be too much change at once.  Luckily for me, Elizabeth is a very adventurous eater.  Last night I sliced some steak very thin and marinated it some tamari and orange juice and then broiled it.  We had that with stir-fried carrots, asparagus, spring onions, and cauliflower grated to look like rice.  For breakfast she actually ate sausage (chemical-free of course) that was sauteed with sliced onion, garlic and kale, with a scrambled egg on the side.  I COULDN'T BELIEVE SHE ATE IT.  What thirteen year old eats sauteed kale for breakfast?  She looked at it kind of squinty-eyed like popeye and said "what IS that?" and I just said "kale.".  So she tried a bite and said "oh, that's good.  I thought I hated kale but I guess I just don't like it raw.".  I also discovered the other night that she absolutely loves swiss chard.  I never made it before because I just thought she would turn up her nose at wilted greens.  That's what I get for assuming.  The world of good food just cracked wide open at our house.  No more assumptions.

So anyhow, on Wednesday Robin and I met with Mardee for our "intake" where she took all our measurements (oooh fun!) and took a series of photos.  Today is our first workout.  We're going for a "nice, easy, short" two-mile walk so that she can see how we do with a little light exercise.  When I did two miles with Mary Kate last week I was panting and twitching...I told Robin yesterday that this process is going to be ugly and we're going to get to know each other really, really well.  After the walk I think she's going to take us in for a little kettle-bell work.  Mardee is really, nice, has a soft voice, but I believe we're in for a shock.  She warned us that she may yell at us and that she's just trying to push us for our own good.  I jokingly said that's fine as long as you're not mean like Jillian Michaels, at which she looked kind of uncomfortable and then said uncertainly "Well, I don't really know much about her".  Aaaaaeeeeeeiiiiiii!!  I'm scared.

I really think I can do this. I've been eating paleo for 14 days and only cheated on my birthday.  And I felt sick afterward.  In my mind?  Maybe.  Having a trainer to be accountable to with regards to exercise will help, because I hate doing it.  Maybe I need a Mardee/Jillian in my life.  I don't want to take blood pressure medication.  I don't want to look pregnant when I'm not, either.  I feel so lucky to have had this program and Mardee just drop in my lap for free.

Oh, the other thing that's amazing.  Since I changed my eating, I have had ONE headache in the last two weeks.  There are no words for how groundbreaking that is. I'm so excited for these changes to keep happening!

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